
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March Goals!

Better late than never, yes? My apologies for the lack of posting!! I say that alot, right? I'm hoping I find a better blog groove in the next few weeks, however, I have been working incredibily hard on a new site! Anyway, here we are 3 months into the year! Woah. How are y'all doing on your new year resolutions, etc etc? If I am going to evaluate myself and be honest, I'd say I'm trying to truck along! Some things are not in my control--change of jobs, waiting on work, other people! Some set backs have really put a damper on my attitude, but I have faith that things happen for a reason. I'm trying not to feel defeated or mad. When you know you shouldn't take things personally, it is a huge triumph to brush it off. I have a hard time with doing just that. I also know that things are going to pick up and maybe I should be using this bit of downtown to really focus on good daily habits. Health wise, I've been working out 3-4 times each week, but I'm hoping that I can kick up my cardio. I'm also cutting gluten and cheese for 2 weeks to see how that affects my body. TRUST me, it is going to be SO hard! I successfully completed all but 1 of my February goals! I'm still struggling with breakfast on a daily basis. I don't usually wake up very hungry, but I have been choosing healthy snacks throughout the day. For March, I've really thought about what I want to change or what habits I'd like to really make stick and how that may happen. Financial Peace is done & we're feeling inspired to continue giving, continue budgeting, and evaluate our savings. I'm going to focus more on what we HAVE. We've really been enjoying our small group, too,  so I'm glad to report how that's been a great thing. I'm really getting excited about seeing my parents soon. I had to miss my dad's big birthday celebration this past weekend and that was depressing difficult. I also missed a dear friend's wedding shower and when all the girls facetimed me, I basically lost my marbles when I got off the phone. I miss everyone SO much. On a brighter note, the official countown is on until we're in Jamaica!!! Bring it, March!

March Goals:

1. Make a plan for breakfast- be it, a frittata that I can make ahead and heat up for the next few days or try something new once a week and actually make it!

2. Cut out gluten and cheese for 14 days. Reintroduce it and see how I feel. I'm not interested in being #gfree because of the bandwagon misconception that it's going to make you slimmer. I've been working out for over two months and my mid section is still bloated and just not slimming down. (seriously, wth!) Suzi (who owns the gym) insisted that I should cut these things out as a test to see if it changes anything. It likely will. If I have to break up with pasta, I will be forever sad. And probably bitter.

3. Kick up the cardio. I LOVE the barre classes that I've been going to, but I need to add in spin/pump/zumba or a jog 2 or 3 times a week!

4. NO SHOPPING! While this isn't a lent thing, I'm not shopping for clothing this month. I'm participating in the #stylememarch challenge on Instagram, hosted by Dean Street Society! My 1 exception will be a swimsuit IF the one I exchanged doesn't fit once it arrives. 

5. Declutter. We have junk drawers stuffed to the brim and a guest room that tends to just collect crap. I'd like to get a move on purging and actively assessing these spaces!

6. I have a fairly time consuming project I'm working on and I need it to at least be sent off to print by next week. Totally a goal!

7. Collaborate with a friend with blogging--I'm unsure what this means quite yet, but I'd like to reach out and feature someone and viceversa. 

8. With that said, STICK to my blog plan! I made one, but my heart hasn't been into making it happen. I'm not sure why not.

9. Taxes/insurance/etc! This is clearly a joint effort with Steven. We've just got to update everything and get it done.

And here's a sneek peak at my last project. We got to go to Boulder and I got to see the home that I assisted in designing!!! My job was to help my client pick out all the finishings, lighting, countertops, hardware, floors, paint, etc etc etc. She worked with the builder and a cabinet designer for all the actual design work, but I was hired to help finalize the visual aspect. I've got better photos of the space and of the bathrooms, so I'll get to share soon. It was like being in a dream. Seriously it was the most lovely kitchen I've seen. My client has amazing taste! I am so grateful for the experience. 

Share your goals if you've got 'em!