
Monday, February 3, 2014

February Goals

2014 is off to a running start! February is the month to really focus and assess those new year resolutions and press onward. No excuses. 

I was on point with my January goals. With the exception of going to the Symphony Ball (we actually got free tickets to the Art Gala instead-hey, any excuse to get all dolled up!), I checked them all off. The biggest change in January for me was working out 3-4 times each week. And, considering it's been FREEZING cold, it feels good and I've felt dedicated! I've become obsessed with the barre classes. I had a slow start with the kitchen reno, but that was not in my control. Luckily, all is finally well with my client and demo may start within the next two weeks. I'm excited!

Now that it's February, I'll continue with each of my January goals:
1-  attend Financial Peace University 
2- participate in gym classes 3-4 times/week
3- plan a couple of dates with Steven
4- set the alarm earlier than usual
5- try out a small group 
6- make plans to attend the symphony ball!
7- volunteer one evening/Saturday at some point this month
8- start my new job & design, design, design!
9- head up a project for the Art museum. We're sending out "Hearts for Art", in hopes to raise scholarship money for kids who can't afford to attend art related camps/programs in Amarillo.

And as the Hearts for Art project comes to a close, I'll attempt adding in a couple of different goals:
8. Spend a mini-getaway with Steven
9. Practice photography. I need a way to document my projects, and I really ought to utilize what I've got until I can afford a new camera.
10. Celebrate Valentine's- send some packages & get creative with doing something sweet for Steven!
11. I know I've mentioned that we tend to cook healthy, and for dinner, we usually do. But I really need to focus on breakfast. I tend to be such a picky eater with breakfast foods, so I'm hoping I can incorporate protein and fruit into my morning routine. 

Share your February goals in the comments!